
Published on June 25th, 2013 | by Shitiz Bhagal

Dead Rising 3 to feature a Boss Fight with a Psychopathic Gamer

Dead Rising 3 was announced as an Xbox One Exclusive title during Microsoft’s E3 press conference. From what we have seen since E3, it seems Dead Rising 3 differs from its predecessor as it is an open-world game set in the zombie oubreak-devastated fictional city of Los Perdidos (California) featuring a single protagonist and a third-person perspective. According to a purported design document procured by Siliconera, in Dead Rising 3, players will battle a number of Psychopath bosses, which is described as one of the main features of the game.

The first boss detailed is Shifu, who is an Asian Immigrant residing Los Perdidos. Shifu has a low-paying job, is disrespected by his employers and often seeks solace in Zen Garden,which he continues to maintain even after the Zombie outbreak and so kills anyone who steps inside the garden and disturbs his sanctuary. Our hero stumbles inside the garden and sees Shifu Mmditating on apile of corpse; Nick interrupts his meditation by tripping over a rock, kicking it out of place, trrigering a confrontation with Shifu.

The second boss is a female wrestler named Jerry who is disappointed as her wresting competition has been cancelled due to the outbreak. Nick meets her at the gym where he mistakes Jerry as a man, which infuriates her, and leads to a beatdown.

The next boss is described as the leader of a motorcycle gang who rides a custom bike modded with a steam-roller (Yeah) attached to the front of it. He is happy about the Zombie outbreak as he always wanted to see the world in chaos (Anarchist punk!).

And the last boss is very interesting and intriguing; Trent is a spoiled trust fund baby who always plays video games. Trent is hiding in a mansion from the mayhem, when Nick attempts to rescue him. Trent is lying in a pool of empty chips bags and mountain dew, and tells Nick to leave him alone as he was aiming to finish the first level of a game while waiting for a pizza delivery boy.

Dead Rising 3 is set for launch later this year as an Xbox One Launch title.               

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