
Published on August 12th, 2013 | by whatsupdog

RTS/JRPG Hybrid Project Phoenix Kickstarter launched; artwork below

Creative Intelligence Arts today have launched the Kickstarter for Project Phoenix, which is a first of sorts in that it combines Japanese role-playing game elements with those of suqad-based Real Time Strategy. It is currently set for a release window of mid-2015 for the PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android, though the devs are quite positive about the possibility of its release on the PS4 and the PS Vita as well. The project involves various developers from the East and West who have worked on impressive and diverse titles such as the Final Fantasy series, Halo 4, Crysis 3, L.A. Noire, World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, Diablo III and Soulcalibur V.

The Kickstarter has already reached $11,243 of its $100,000 goal required for programming and artistic development; stretch goals include twice the number of character and monster models at $300,000, detailed city system and customisable character creation at $650,000 and so on. The game boasts of the art direction of Kiyoshi Arai and music composed by Nobuo Uematsu, both of whom have been involved in the popular Final Fantasy series. The story focuses on an amnesiac angel called Ruffles who journeys the war-torn land of Azuregard accompanied by troubled Templar Marcus Stern, reserved elven princess Sylrianah and a battlemage called Zarum the Lost. The developers have promises that the hybrid nature of the game means that players can expect a fast-paced and dynamic real-time tactical combat system, wherein one can even interact with environmental terrain features such as rope bridges and boulders to create tactical advantages.

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