
Published on October 8th, 2013 | by whatsupdog

Universum: War Front is an ambitious unique RTS/RPG/ FPS hybrid; screens, artwork and debut trailer inside

A cool Kickstarter project has come to our notice; called Universum: War Front, this is a scifi genre-breaking game mixing up elements of FPS/TPS, RTS and RPG set in a future where mankind has populated other planets and is engaged in conflict following hostile alien contact. Players can deploy various units across multiple map types on diverse planets, allowing for battles ranging from on the ground to in the air and even in space or underwater.

Character customisation is a given, while units themselves will include high-tech vehicles, magic-based characters, alien creatures and more. Expect RTS elements such as researching new technology and developing your base, as well as the option to switch from commanding you troops from a traditional top-down perspective to controlling main characters directly in dynamic battles on the fly. Apart from the singleplayer campaign, there are also Dota-style maps with Survival and Deathmatch maps planned. Check out the debut trailer below for some ingame footage as well as an overview of what the project is all about.

The game is the brainchild of Cyril Megem, a former lead artist at Kiev Games (subsidary of Monte Cristo Multimedia), who has set out to focus on his own ambitious project. The Kickstarter goal is set at $20,000, of which it has currently already achieved more than $15,000; attaining varius stretch goals upto $500,000 will result in the incorporation of additional maps and missions, gameplay elements, units, weapons, videos, music tracks and much much more, so visit the Kickstarter page and do your bit, and vote at its Steam Greenlight page. An early access version of the game should arrive for the PC by December 2014.

Another notable aspect of the game is the utilisation of the Unity3D engine, DirectX 11 and Nvidia PhysX, which means that one can expect excellent visual fidelity; high-resolution textures, incredible art and animations, more realistic physics simulation, detailed 3D models and shaders, Dynamic weather changes and Destroyable environment objects are but some of what has been promised. Scrutinise some screenshots and artwork below, and then check out the official website for Universum: War Front for more detailed info and additional media.

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