
Published on February 26th, 2014 | by whatsupdog

Here are some HD images for PS4 scifi puzzle-platformer The Swapper

Indie puzzle-platformer The Swapper is heading towards the PS4, PS3 and PS Vita later this year, and here are some nice new images to indicate what the game is all about. Released back in 2013 for the PC, the game takes place on a seemingly abandoned space outpost and research facility called Theseus, and sees players creating upto four clones of themselves to aid in solving various puzzles while attempting to find a way off the station. Featuring very appealing visuals and a unique art style (check out those clay models) in a dark scifi atmosphere, the game is definitely worth a try if you like the scifi genre or enjoy creatively solving puzzles. Stay tuned for more on The Swapper in the coming weeks.

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