
Published on February 4th, 2014 | by whatsupdog

Kingdom Come: Deliverance video expands on character customisation system

Warhorse Studios has issued a fresh update for their medieval combat RPG, elaborating a bit on what the character customisation system will be like in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. They explain how this is being done via Cryengine sandbox, which they intend to share with the community later so as to allow for modding fun. The use of this tool also enables the developers to create numerous NPC’s without much hassle, with choices varying from size, shape and skin colour to hair, injuries and other appearance-related options.

The game also allows for players to layer clothing, which means that the character can don plate armour over chainmail over ordinary garments, and then put on other expensive clothing to symbolise his status. Additionally, different armour types function well against different weapons; chainmail is useful against swords but perhaps not so much when facing archers. A work-in-progress build also shows how the inventory currently looks like, with various sorts of wearable armour and equipable swords (of which there are 16).  The next update will reveal more on horse-riding and horseback combat; exciting stuff indeed!

Source: Kickstarter Page

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