
Published on January 9th, 2014 | by whatsupdog

New Assassin’s Creed: Liberation HD screenshots illustrate visual improvements

Ubisoft has issued a trio of ingame images from Assassin’s Creed: Liberation HD, attempting to give gamers a better idea at the visual improvements made over the original PS Vita version of the game; the high-definition edition of the title is currently on track for release on 15 January on the PC, Xbox 360 (XBLA) and PS3 (PSN) for $19.99. The in-picture screenshot of the standard version of the game in the images below helps us compare and ascertain the graphical differences; noticeable are the better character models as well as the more detailed backgrounds.

Liberation features the antics of the first female assassin gamers get to play in the franchise, as they traverse the open-world of New Orleans as the African-French protagonist Aveline de Grandpré; the events in the game take place between 1765 and 1777, and focus a fair bit on Aveline freeing captive slaves and the seemingly endless conflict between the assassins and the Templars. The upcoming title will also feature improved gameplay mechanics for the PC, as well as some bonus missions.

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