
Published on December 23rd, 2013 | by whatsupdog

New Trailer for Cyberpunk RPG Dex shows off Habor Prime locales and gameplay

Dreadlocks have issued a new trailer for their stealth-action cyberpunk RPG Dex, showcasing some fresh gameplay in the vast living futuristic city of Harbor Prime. Currently on track for release in June 2014 on the PC, Dex revolves around the titular heroine recruited by the   legendary hacker Raycast due to her ability to move freely through cyberspace without any implants.

The video illustrates some of the varied locales in the city, such as the bustling streets, the medical centres, the sewers as well as the lower-income neighbourhoods, while also demonstrating combat, dialogue, varied character interactions and a bit of the cyberspace gameplay. The story-oriented 2D sidescroller looks very intriguing, and is definitely one to keep an eye on if you are a fan of the gameplay or just looking for a good cyberpunk story-driven game.

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